Some Eschatology Sources

Resource Links for Eschatology Future and Present

Some Eschatology Sources

This is strictly a links post, giving links to the resources I’ll be referencing tonight.

First some of my own resources:

Essays posted today on the Energion Discussion Network related to the Great Disappointment:

Some other recent posts from the Energion Discussion Network:

Books referenced tonight or at other times in the series:

  • Eschatology: A Participatory Study Guide by Edward W. H. Vick
    This is the primary guide for this initial portion of my study. I am using it to help us look at definitions and map out the territory before we go into verse by verse studies of various passages.
  • The Journey to the Undiscovered Country by William Powell Tuck
    One of our primary resources on life after death.
  • From Inspiration to Understanding: Reading the Bible Seriously and Faithfully by Edward W. H. Vick
    This is the more serious, 355 page discussion of inspiration. If you’re serious about studying what inspiration and authority are and looking at what those definitions mean for how we read the Bible, take the time to read this. I obviously also like my own book When People Speak for God, but if it had been published after From Inspiration to Understanding instead of before, it would have had dozens of footnotes to it.
  • History and Christian Faith by Edward W. H. Vick
    “God acting in history” is a phrase that evokes many questions of definition. This little book  will help you explore that idea and how it reflects in many areas.
  • The Adventists’ Dilemma by Edward W. H. Vick
    What does it mean to say that Jesus is coming soon, if anything? This book examines the idea of a literal return of Jesus “soon” in a detailed way.
  • Process Theology: Embracing Adventure with God by Bruce Epperly
    Process theology placed on a lower shelf. Bruce Epperly doesn’t shy away from application, but talks about how we should live with a God who is directly involved and impacted by the world.

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