
New English Translations Poll

I’ve posted a poll for discussing the need, or lack thereof, for new English translations.  This post exists solely for comments on that poll.  Note that multiple answers are permitted in case one is not double-minded, but perhaps a bit fuzzy.

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  1. We all need to learn the ancient tongues and explore the decisions that are made on our behalf by translators, especially the ones made where no one really knows what the Hebrew means. As for the New Testament, it is so distorted by the lenses of Chalcedon, Christendom, and modern American culture that all further effort to exploit the American market should be resisted.

  2. only produce a new translation when the English language changes enough to warrant a new one. This is approximately every 30 years. Otherwise, the energy and money going into new English versions today would be better spent on translations for Bibleless people.

    1. That’s an answer I’d like to give, but I think we both know that such decision making is not likely to happen since there’s no unified Christian decision making body on translations, and so much is market driven. In practical terms, I’m always delighted when publishers put money into Bible translation.

  3. There were 5 versions of the Biblical Scriptures/Sources-printed–The One in English from the Textus Receptus(received Text) was the Authorized King James Version-1611- All Others were from the Catholic Codexes/Manuscripts found from 1841 -1881–which were in Philosophical Greek-Not Koine- that were being used as fire-starters in the churches-and Not complete/or Preserved as God Promises- which Add,Subtract, and Change the Word of God/Perverts Doctrines–contrary to the Word of God–From these the American People Seek to make Profit in the Churches like the “Money-Changers” of Old that Jesus chased – out of the Churches ??–The 70 Translaters of the King James Bible did Not Hide their Identities like those of the Modernistic Versions-Many who themselves claimed to be Atheists, Agnostics, and Members of “Cults” ??—My Great Grandparents readily understood the King James Bible- SO are people today More Stupid or What ??—The King James Bible IS The Bible–Not Just Another “Version”–or should I say — a “Perversion” ?? The sad excuse of “Interpretation(s)”–is Weak at the Best-for those who Reject the Authority of God’s Word in their Lives..I have found that the KJV 1611 Bible woks just fine with those that I witness to in other countries that are 3rd World countries–But these Modern Perversions only Confuses them !!!– In Cambodia I found that the Mormons(a Cult) even PAYS People to come to Church ??–Further Proof that their “Another Testament of Jesus Christ ” has NO Power in the Word !!!

  4. Why do translation committees refuse to correct the errant translations of words such as “ekklesia”, “stauros”, “euangulion”, “aggelos”, “amein”, “MessiYah”, “Yahuweh”, and “qodesh”? How can they possibly defend displacing God’s one and only Name, and using the names of pagan deities for the words God inspired?

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