
Christian Carnival 240 Will Be Here

I will be hosting the next Christian Carnival on this blog. I have already received a number of submissions and I’m working on them. Get your submissions in soon! The deadline is Tuesday night, midnight, eastern time.

I’d especially like to invite Christian blogs who haven’t participated in the carnival before to do so. It’s a worthwhile effort in terms of links and traffic, and it also builds on the exchange of ideas for which the blogosphere is so well suited.

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  1. The best way is to fill out the form here. The post must be from the last week, leading up to midnight Tuesday night, and must be submitted before midnight Tuesday.

    Hosts are permitted to limit the number of posts included, which generally means that late entries go first, but I always include all the posts I receive that meet the criteria.

    The post can be on any subject, but your blog must indicate that it is Christian in orientation.

    Occasionally there are limits on political posts when the carnival is hosted on non-profit blogs, but that won’t apply this week.

    You can find more information here.

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