
Good Ruling on Detainees

A panel of the U. S. Court of Appeals for the fourth district has ruled that the government cannot detain resident aliens as combatants. The appeals panel ruled that Bush had overreached his authority and that the Constitution protects U.S. citizens and legal residents such as Marri from unchecked military power. It also rejected the…


Honoring the Troops

Ten years in the U.S. Air Force have made me look differently at the news and feel differently on Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Memorial Day, of course, is to remember those who have fallen, but rarely do I attend a Memorial Day service any more at which there is not something done to honor…


Anti Any War

One has to wonder what some politicians are thinking, when one considers the following exchange (via MSNBC): It wasn’t so easy for Obama to avoid the firebombs from the two peaceniks on stage. Kucinich upbraided his rival for talking tough about the use of force against Iran. “I think that it’s important for people to…


War Failings: Clear and Attainable Objective

There’s a good article on MSNBC.com titled: Fundamental failures led to current Iraq crisis. My arguments against the war have been primarily based no the first point: Lesson 1: Select an attainable objective While the Administration tried to build a case against Saddam on the basis of weapons of mass destruction, a principal motivation, ironically,…

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American Civilization, Christian Faith, and Cultural Clashes

How’s that for a broad title? 🙂 I’m going to annoy quite a few people with this post, but I have noticed for a number of years that Christians in America often conflate Christianity and American patriotism. This goes to extremes with certain Christian reconstructionists who actually believe that America is the new chosen nation,…