The Passion Translation: Content Review

The Passion Translation: Content Review

An overview and rating of The Passion Translation (TPT)I don’t use generic labels but assess translations based on functional and formal criteria, including how much they reword the original language. Despite critics, I found TPT to be expectedly missionary in nature, combining a dynamic approach with considerable formal elements. While the translation’s charismatic roots and its translator’s claims generate controversy, I suggest that readers approach TPT like any other translation—by recognizing its biases and comparing it with others for a fuller understanding.

Review of The Passion Translation Part I – The Hype

Review of The Passion Translation Part I – The Hype

The evaluation of a Bible translation hinges on various factors including theological perspectives and language familiarity. Controversy often arises over word choice, as seen in Romans 3:25’s varying translations of “propitiation.” Differing translation strategies result in diverse renderings, which can align with or challenge doctrinal positions. I encourage comparing translations and checking translator qualifications. Don’t assume “literal” means “accurate.” Instead, make use of multiple translations for a fuller understanding.