Who Are the Homeless?

Who Are the Homeless?

I want to keep everyone thinking about social justice. In my view, if more people become more aware about what is going on and take action, whatever action they believe is best, we’ll be better off. Discussing this and related issues can only help. We have multiple Energion authors who have a variety of views…

Hangout on Social Justice

Update: We had audio problems. This hangout has been rescheduled to June 9, 2015. I’m hosting tonight’s Energion Hangout which is Social Justice: Good or Bad?. I’ll be interviewing Energion authors Elgin Hushbeck, Jr. (What Is Wrong with Social Justice, Preserving Democracy) discusses the impact and value of social justice with Rev. Steve Kindle (Stewardship:…

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Glenn Beck is Right – He Should Run from Social Justice

Why? My pastor, Geoffrey Lentz, says it’s because following Jesus in social justice is hard and demanding and might mess up our lifestyes: What would happen if we “let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an everlasting stream” (Amos)? It wouldn’t work out very well for me. This one hits us right where…