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What Could Be More Dangerous than Liberalism?

If you let your eyes wander up to the header you’ll see that my tag line includes the word “liberal” and not in a negative light. I’ve even written about being a liberal charismatic believer. So if you’re wondering how I can use both labels at once, follow the link. But in certain circles, “liberals”…

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Integrity is more than Not Lying Outright

People often think that legalism is about trying very hard to be right, and that the main problem with it is that people can’t succeed at it. I would suggest that there’s something more characteristic of legalism, and that it results from trying to paste on the narrow letter of some “right” things to oneself…


Reading 11/12/07

Update: Edited to correct the date in the header from 10/12/07 to 11/12/07. I truly have not invented a time machine! Here’s some things that caught my attention: Richard Rice Discusses Open Theism20 years ago I read his book The Openness of God when it was first released. I was intrigued by its ideas of…