Server Problem

Update: Everything seems to be working. If you made a comment and it’s missing, let me know. Also, the post that used to be at this URL, Nitpicking Translations, can be found by following the link. ***** A server glitch resulted in the temporary loss of some posts and several comments. I’m working to restore…

Other Blogging

I divided up my blogging between three blogs, other than the group of official blogs where I am a contributor, because I thought that I would be burdening people with excessive extraneous (say that 5 times fast) material. In particular, I comment here mostly on religion and its impact on society as well as on…

Unright Christian Blogs

Threads from Henry’s Web is now being aggregated in the Unright Christian Blogs aggregator. I appreciate this service. To quote its purpose: Sometimes you come across the assumption that “Christian”, by definition, means “conservative”. This blog aggregator is an attempt to show that this assumption is far from true. This will not draw away from…