Saturn has a Huge Ring

I rarely post just images, but this came in via one of my NASA subscriptions today. Head on over and take a look. And if you don’t subscribe to their news and/or images, consider subscribing. Their material is a great pleasure. Click on the image to get further information, including a link to download the…

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Seventh-day Adventist Education and Evolution

I recently wrote with appreciation about my Seventh-day Adventist education in Biblical studies over on my Participatory Bible Study blog. Today a friend sent me an e-mail directing me to a post on Inside Higher Ed, discussing a problem with the teaching of evolution at La Sierra University, a Seventh-day Adventist school. I didn’t attend…


A Query for my Scientifically Oriented Friends

In an article on MSNBC’s Cosmic Log, titled How Politeness Evolved, I find the following quote: “It is far from obvious how turn-taking evolved without language or insight in animals shaped by natural selection to pursue their individual self-interests,” University of Leicester psychologist Andrew Colman said last week in a news release about the research….

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They Really Do Believe the Earth is Stationary

Occasionally when I mention “geocentricity” people will roll their eyes and let me know that nobody is believes that any more, nobody is that stupid, and comparing the rejection of overwhelming amounts of modern science in favor of young earth creationism with similar rejection of science by geocentrists is silly, because there aren’t any such…

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The Need for my Series on Interpreting the Bible

… amongst many other things. As I’m preparing to move forward in this series, which covers only one small area, I find this post from the generally enlightening Jason Rosenhouse, who lauds simplistic arguments in putting down other simplistic arguments. He approvingly quotes Coyne: Unfortunately, some theologians with a deistic bent seem to think that…