Biblical vs. Unbiblical

Morgan Guyton has a very strong (and, in my view, entirely justified) reaction to the abuse of the term “biblical.” … In how many other “Bible” churches out there has “Biblical” become a code-word for an ideological platform that serves a purpose completely foreign to God’s mission but cherry-picks verses out of the Biblical text…

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Connecting the Scriptural Dots – From Then to Then … to Now

When it came time for third year Greek at Walla Walla College (now University), I had Dr. Sakae Kubo, who had just become dean of the School of Theology. Taking a Greek class with Dr. Kubo was an experience. I credit him with bringing my Greek to the level that allowed it to stick with…

Participatory Study Series Package for Christmas

We now pause for a brief commercial announcement. My company, Energion Publications, is offering a special Christmas package—all the Participatory Study Series volumes released so far for just $29.99. There are a number of other packages as well, so check out the complete list on Energion Direct. And now back to your regularly scheduled programming….