Good Place to Reduce Spending
Legalize Pot (HT: Dispatches). Less law enforcement, less jail expenses, more revenue from taxing the legalized sales. Win, win, win.
Legalize Pot (HT: Dispatches). Less law enforcement, less jail expenses, more revenue from taxing the legalized sales. Win, win, win.
… or so said this pastor last May, thus showing that there are folks who use harsher language about this than I do.
In pursuing the laudable goal of keeping lead out of children’s it looks like congress may have been just as thoughtful as usual. More on evangelical outpost.
… or as soon afterward as practicable, read this. (HT: Pseudo-Polymath.)
I write about it here.
. . . at Parableman. Check it out!
This excellent little program includes Alister McGrath, Alexandra Wright, and Dr. Usama Hassan, along with an interview with fellow blogger Mike Beidler. It’s well worth checking out.
Here’s another incident of mandatory religion in the Air Force (HT: Metacatholic). Besides the fact that it is quite improper for the Air Force to provide mandatory religious indoctrination, this program clearly denigrates the faith of many who would disagree with a number of elements of the presentation.
Al Qaeda’s #2 has called on Americans to embrace Islam, presumably his version. Um, no thanks. Even melting down, we’re better off. Oh, and by the way, Muslim calls to embrace Islam bring memories of Muslim conquest, not to mention recent terror attacks, just as Christian calls to convert the whole Muslim world bring back…
While I’m at talking about the auto industry, how about the following headline from Republicans to Detroit: Drop dead Biased? Read the article yourself and see if that’s what the Republicans in question were saying.