Ken Ham Strikes a Blow for Integrity – NOT
Read more at Exploring our Matrix.
Read more at Exploring our Matrix.
… or not. Since I’m a fan of NCIS, I couldn’t resist linking to this post on The Austringer. I definitely didn’t know any of that stuff!
On my Participatory Bible Study blog I asked a question and linked to Bob McDonald (Bob’s Log) in the hope he would answer. He did, in the comments. Read the post for the question, the comments for the answer and supporting data.
Troy Britain has it absolutely right on freedom of speech, with the added bonus that I get to agree with Christopher Hitchens at the same time, which doesn’t happen nearly as often.
… when the Secretary of State does it. I thought many of these things were so obvious they hardly needed said, but apparently the obvious can be offensive. Perhaps a little truth will help diplomacy. Or not…
You can find his further thoughts again at Reclaiming the Mind. If you read the first one, you should read this one as well.
This headline caught my attention: Osteens offer hope for today with new Bible. Obviously the headline doesn’t mean what one could construe it to mean; it’s a study Bible, not a rewritten Bible, but the headline still struck me as funny. I do have problems with single themed study Bibles, but that’s another post.
… at Thoughts and Confessions of a Girl Who Loves Jesus.
You know when you get those feelings, like boot camps will reduce juvenile crime, drug raids reduce drug use, or the comments are slowing down on your blog? Do as David Ker did, and find out if you’re right! (Note to David: I absolutely couldn’t resist posting this. I tried. Really!)
Q: Why did the Arkansas house pass this bill?