
Moving on to Ephesians

Ephesians: A Participatory Study GuideIn The Way Sunday School class at First UMC Pensacola we just completed The Journey to the Undiscovered Country by William Powell Tuck. We used that book as an interlude between Philippians and the Ephesians study to follow.

The entire class really appreciated the book and the discussions that resulted. Unlike some books you may have read about the afterlife, this author doesn’t consider all the questions already answered. He is willing to let you look at various alternatives and to admit that we know only a little. But, as he affirms through The Journey to the Undiscovered Countrystory in the final chapter, we may not know precisely what is on the other side of the door, but we do know that our master is there.

The logic behind continuing with Ephesians is simply a vote of the class. Our intention is to study the Bible and communicate what we learn creatively, both with one another and with others. The study guide is Ephesians: A Participatory Study Guide by Bob Cornwall.


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