Tee-Ball and Perspective

I rarely post something just to point to another entry, but this one is so good, I can’t resist: Adam Roberts posts a bit about Tee-Ball and the perspective of parents and kids at SOTHBLOG, in a post titled Little. I found it via Wesley Daily, to which I give thanks!

I was particularly touched when he mentioned the group of 16-17 year olds playing without much in the way of parental support. It’s easy to forget that our teenagers, college age youth, and young adults need support. They’re so anxious to be seen as independent, and they can make it to and from their own games, so it’s easy to take the lazy way and let them take care of themselves. But if you do, you’re going to be wondering why they take the lazy way when it comes to keeping in touch with you. I was reminded of the day that my stepson James, then 15 and playing freshman basketball, was headed out to a game. For some reason his mother was not in town, and he informed me that since the game was in another county, and “wasn’t important anyhow” that I didn’t need to go. I went. I cheered. When he got home he said, “Thanks for coming to my game.” When I saw the look on his face (James was very expressive–his looks were paragraphs at least), I was glad I hadn’t accepted the excuse.

You only get these chances once! Thanks to Rev. Adam, Coach Adam, or whatever he’s being called at the moment for a fine reminder!

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