Database Problems

For those who may read others of my blogs, or some of the other blogs I manage, my hosting provider has been having database connection problems. It doesn’t appear to have impacted this site, but the Participatory Bible Study blog has been very slow and giving sporadic connection errors, and the Running Toward the Goal podcast has been very slow. This has also impacted some subdomains of my site.

The hosting provider is working on it, and it is somewhat better this morning, though not fixed. I will post again when the problem is truly resolved.

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  1. I noticed that my blog posts from yesterday and today have not shown up on the Moderate Christian Blog Aggregator. Might this be due to the above mentioned data base problems?

    1. For more information, look here. I may be doing a little code writing to get what I want. My aggregator software to use on a WordPress blog appears not to be able to handle blogspot stuff any more.

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