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The Wrong Way to Repair the Election Process

Over the last couple of decades we have had two major movements designed to make our election process more responsive to the public and to try to make the American people less cynical. The first is campaign finance reform, and the second is term limits. It’s interesting that in both cases we propose to make…

July 4

I’m not doing a separate post her for July 4. I posted a story on my Jevlir Caravansary posing some questions about obedience, patriotism, and morality. You can post any comments about not quitting my day job there!

Libby Sentence Commuted

According to the Washington Post, President Bush has commuted former Cheney aid I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby. He left intact probation provisions and the fine. I greet this news with mixed emotions. On the one hand I’m tired of lengthy investigations in Washington that produce nothing but convictions for lying to investigators and grand juries. Consider…


Two Cows

I think I first saw this thing about two cows several years ago, but there have been several more instances added in this version. Some of the new ones are even funnier than the earlier ones. It looks like people have just been tacking examples on the end. (HT: 42)