
Gordon Fee and Pentecostal Scholarship

Charisma magazine has a great article on Gordon Fee (HT: sunestauromai). I particularly was struck by these two paragraphs: For the most part, though, Pentecostals remain resistant to—or indifferent toward—theology and scholarship. After all, modern Pentecostalism was birthed in spiritual experience, not intellectualism. As the movement spread, Pentecostals simply didn’t see a need for theological…

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On Being a Liberal Charismatic Believer

I found a new blog (for me) this week via John Meunier—To Him Which is Yes. I was particularly attracted by the post John linked to, Bringing back belief. Jack Burden, the blogger, tells the story of how he silenced a committee meeting, doubtless an extremely useful skill under any circumstances, but the point is…