1 Corinthians Audio Series

I’m posting my 1 Corinthians audio series on the Pacesetters Bible School Newsletter blog, with the first entry here. You can follow this series either through the “1 Corinthians” keyword or the “Bible Pacesetter Podcast” keyword. The latter is mildly misleading because this podcast is not registered with iTunes, and appears only on the Pacesetters…

Tongues and Hearing

Adrian Warnock has quoted a section from Martin Lloyd Jones on the gift of tongues in Acts 2 and 1 Corinthians 12-14. (Thanks for Peter Kirk for linking to earlier parts of this discussion.) There are two comments I would like to make on this issue, both of which relate to the Biblical background material….

1 Corinthians 14

(Note:  Restored post 8/28/2010.  I’m not sure when part of it was lost, but presumably during a database upgrade.) 1Pursue love. Be zealous about spiritual things, but even more that you might prophesy. Greek pneumatika (pneumatika) = spiritual things. Again I suggest “spiritual things”? or “spirituality.”? A thought by thought translation would be: “Pursue love,…

Notes on 1 Corinthians 12

Note: I’m using a loose phonetic transliteration of Greek terms throughout. This is just intended to give the reader some guidance as to pronunciation. For reference information on the Greek words cited, see 1 Corinthians 12-14: Greek Terms. Draft translation is from my Totally Free Bible Version project, and is just a draft. 1-3: Character…

1 Corinthians 12-14

These three chapters are the most critical chapters in the Bible in reference to spiritual gifts, and they are not actually primarily intended to teach about them. We tend to read the three chapters separately, especially because 1 Corinthians 13 is such a wonderful composition by itself. Chapter 12 is often treated as an essay…