Syntax and Exegesis of the Greek New Testament

Dave Black has some interesting thoughts on syntax in the Greek New Testament and its importance for exegesis. I’ve extracted them to so as to have a permanent link (by permission). I became a convert to the importance of linguistics in understanding biblical languages when I read James Barr’s The Semantics of Biblical Language…

Some Notes and Links

Yesterday I ranted about the church. Dave Black pulled some of the better material out of it and commented, so I posted it to The Jesus Paradigm so we’d have a link. I also posted some notes on recent releases and some not-so-recent ones regarding the church on the Energion Publications news blog. I blogged…

Introductions to Bible Books: How Detailed Can We Get?

I’m reading David L. Allen’s volume on Hebrews in the New American Commentary. I’m really enjoying his treatment so far, and this note is not a criticism of Dr. Allen particularly, but rather a concern about claims we make regarding the background of Bible books. By “introductory matters” I’m referring here to all those pesky…