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Science and Genesis: Allister McGrath, John Polkinghorne, N. T. Wright, John Walton, et. al.

Some very interesting points. It’s only fair that Herold Weiss, whose book Creation in Scripture I publish, would disagree with some of John Walton’s views, while affirming the broader ideas about how to read an ancient text. (HT: Allan R. Bevere)

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Florida is Behind on Science Education

Brandon Haught, board member of Florida Citizens for Science has an opinion piece at the Orlando Sentinel on Florida’s science education. With the great need for people qualified in various fields of science, it’s distressing to know how poorly we’re doing as a state. Perhaps some of these measurement tools we’re using aren’t doing what…

Curiosity on Mars

… and on earth too! 🙂 You can see some images on the NASA project site. I stayed up last night until I knew it landed. Those who know me will realize how rare this is. I didn’t feel inclined to blog about it in the middle of the night, but I’ll be looking regularly…

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Why I Believe in a Designer but Don’t Accept Intelligence Design

This was triggered by Ed Brayton’s answers to the short ID quiz, and particularly by the first question. 1. On a scale of 0 (diehard disbeliever) to 10 (firm believer), how would you rate your level of belief in Intelligent Design? (Minimal Definition of Intelligent Design: The idea that certain features of the universe and…