Numbers Need Context Too

Numbers Need Context Too

“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” — Mark Twain But I can paraphrase what supporters of gun rights say: Numbers don’t lie. People lie. People use numbers to lie. Sometimes it’s unconscious. I can say, “Most people believe X.” But that word “most” is imprecise, and sounds like I may…

Accuracy of Predictions

Accuracy of Predictions

There’s very little checking done of the accuracy of the prediction of pundits, which is a major reason I avoid even hearing what they have to say. One exception to this rule is Nate Silver and his crew at They’ve just published an analysis of as many of their predictions as possible. It’s worth…


Changing Polls

No, President Obama’s approval rating; the poll that I have in the right hand sidebar.  It has been there for more than 18 months, and surprisingly enough is still generating interest.  The last comment is dated December 19, 2009 and there have been quite a number.  You can see the results here.  Who does God…

Bible Reading Poll

I think it’s about time to change polls, so here are the results of the last one: What is your most common reason for reading the Bible (i.e. the one that causes you to spend the most time reading)? Selection Percentage Votes Devotional 23% 8 Guidance for a specific personal situation 6% 2 Ethical guidance…