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Liberal illiberalism: Olbermann on Banks and News Outlets

Keith Olbermann, regularly angry about many things, is angry about the bank bonuses. (I blogged some about this here.) His answer? Break up the banks. Regulate the financial industries, to within an inch of their existences. Roll back corporate legal protections. Make liable the officers of corporations, for their debts, and for their deeds. Resurrect…


I Don’t Understand This

From CBS News: Eighty percent of speech watchers approve of President Obama’s plans for dealing with the economic crisis. Before the speech, 63 percent approved. Fifty-one percent of speech watchers think the president’s economic plans will help them personally. Thirty-six thought so before the speech. I have mixed emotions about President Obama’s economic policies, and…


Dan Wallace is Angry

… about the New York Post “chimp” cartoon. While he and I wouldn’t see eye to eye on many things (though his Greek Grammar beyond the Basics is brilliant!) I particularly appreciate this coming from him. I don’t regard printing this cartoon as responsible, but I want to make sure to note that I think…

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Obama Administration Opposes Fairness Doctrine

… or so a spokesman told Fox News (HT: Taegan Goddard’s Political Wire). This is good news considering the number of people who are inclined to revive it. (The Fox News report even includes the claim that Congressman Henry Waxman is interested in an internet fairness doctrine, for which idea he is being quite justifiably…

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Rachel Maddow Identifies the Religious Right

I was watching Rachel Maddow last night and she commented on the “rejection of religious right” candidates during the last election and gave examples: Alan Keyes and Mike Huckabee. Now there are a couple of problems with this, some of which could be identified by right wing opponents of Mike Huckabee who don’t think he’s…