Reading 12 Times

One of the things that I recommend for Bible study is reading a passage 12 times before you start examining the details. This is, of course, intended for serious study of a passage. I discuss various types of reading here. This is easily my most ignored recommendation. In fact, I have yet to find anyone…

God: Nice or Not?

One of my Old Testament professors once told me that he thought survey courses might better be left to the end of one’s program, that one could greatly benefit by a survey course after one had studied more deeply into the various elements. I agree, though I would suggest a starting survey and then a…

Bible as Conversation

Daniel has an interesting post on E-Merging suggesting that we view the Bible as a conversation. He says: In real conversations, one participant doesn’t just sit back and agree with everything being said. There are tensions and resolutions, and some questions are simply left unanswered. I think this is an excellent approach to Bible study…