
Prepare, then Vote!

Since the Foley scandal broke I’ve read and heard a number of commentators talk about the danger of evangelical Christians staying home on election day. The suggestion is that especially the conservative “family values” voters will be so put off by the Foley scandal and the apparent lack of action by the leadership to deal…

Dr. Ray Neufeld Obituary

I’m appending my dad’s obituary to this post in its fully expanded version. Various papers published various portions. I greatly appreciate the expressions of sympathy and support from the comments here. I’m still in Niagara Falls until Saturday, though a good portion of my business happens on the internet so I’m back to working some….

Out of Town Again

I’m out of town again, this time unplanned. My father passed away early this morning, and I was just able to make it in time to be with him while he still could recognize me. The funeral will be on Tuesday, and I doubt I will be blogging much until then. I will certainly blog…

Secondary Spirituality

When writing research papers students are frequently warned against using secondary sources. If one must use a secondary source, one must be certain that it’s reliable, and indicate the actual source. Scholars get in the habit of using primary sources as often as possible. But in spirituality, I notice that many people tend toward the…