Lingamish Blog Boredom

David (Lingamish) tagged me with a meme I’m happy to get on board with. He asks that I name five up and coming blogs. The problem is there are so many. I’m going to focus on ones that have caught my attention recently. I’m late on this, but I have a good excuse–I was coordinating a conference over the weekend, and then I was recovering from coordinating the conference!

  1. An Evangelical Dialogue on Evolution is a wonderful blog with thoughtful, courteous posts on the conflict about evolution in the Christian community. It’s been around since May, so I think it qualifies as young, and I would definitely call it “up and coming.” (I don’t know the age of the lead blogger, but who cares?)
  2. Among the Hills is a blog I picked up from my comments, and then found its haikus on lectionary texts. Since I’m always looking for ways to get people to creatively think about Bible passages, this caught my attention. It takes a bit of thinking to reduce a passage to 17 syllables.
  3. Come to the Waters is John Meunier’s blog, from which I get numerous links and quite a number of thoughtful posts. It’s definitely a worthwhile addition to your blogroll.
  4. The Rogues Gallery, subtitled “The Official Blog of the Skeptics Guide to the Universe” has provided some interesting material lately. I’m hoping it will live up to its promise and become regular reading for me. I first encountered this blog when I criticized one of the entries, which is a great reason to list it!
  5. And last, but not least, a little nepotism. My wife’s new blog is Jody Along the Path. I’m not sure if she’ll play this meme, as she’s new to blogging, but I’m glad to have her in the blogosphere as well as in real life.

Well, those will do for now. Hopefully this will help alleviate David’s boredom.

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