Happenings Around Here

I’ve been posted much less this week than I have in the past. In fact, I haven’t posted yet this week, which is a miracle of silence on my part!

The reason of all this undue restraint is that it has been quite a week. I’m posting now from a new computer. This isn’t really a bad thing. I have been intending to change my main desktop machine for some time, and give me previous machine to my wife who has been coveting it. At the same time I wanted to being using Ubuntu Linux full time after experimenting with it on a separate machine. So not only have I changed computers, but I’ve changed operating systems. My prior testing has helped, and there are very, very few problems. That’s remarkable, considering that I have audio editing and page layout work going.

At the same time two of my clients had major new equipment to install this week, and we just had work done on our floors and sewers, and now are having to rearrange things. (I divide my time between writing, publishing, and my computer work. About 10% of my time is on the computer business, and it still manages to bring in the majority of my income.) Other parts of my work declined to cooperate and provide the extra time, so blogging suffered.

In any case, I’m back up and running, and enjoying this new machine, and just as soon as I’m done with this administrative post, I’m going to post something else. So enough whining, and back to work!

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  1. I tried it on a secondary machine for about three months, and I’m really impressed. I’m hoping to be able to recommend it to some small businesses who have a very hard time affording things like Office and so forth. Of course, more frequently they’re interested in Windows and then adding OpenOffice.org as their office suite.

    Of course I have to be clear about the downside in terms of support and so forth, but if I’m managing their systems, there’s also a plus!

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