The Problem with Stories

I like stories. I believe we think largely in stories. I have a separate blog where I write stories. I have published two collections of stories from my blog. I like stories—got it?! But I also really enjoyed the talk I’m embedding below by Tyler Cowen, who blogs at Marginal Revolution about the dangers of…

When Strategies Change Hands

I was just watching Chris Matthews on Hardball who is quite upset about the 60% requirement for a Senate cloture vote because it prevents an up-and-down vote on the stimulus package. I seem to recall Democratic outrage at the “nuclear option” which would have removed that requirement for certain types of votes on judicial nominations….


What Stimulus Proponents Could Learn from a Book Title

Readers of this blog know that I preferred our current president over his opponent in the election. After the bailout fiasco, I would have dearly loved to have had a candidate who actually opposed the whole idea. McCain bleated about socialism, but I honestly don’t believe he could have identified a capitalist or a socialist…