
No, not here in Florida. That’s our daughter and son-in-law’s front yard near Ft. Worth, Texas. Our granddaughters are enjoying themselves as school is closed.  

Another Ham in the Family

No, not that kind of ham, a ham radio operator. Congratulations to my nephew Jason who went straight to Amateur Extra class, and is now AE7JH. That makes a total of five Amateur Extra class operators in my immediate family, Mom (Myrtle, WB7OIU, who wanted to keep her old call when she made Amateur Extra),…


My Desk

People who visit my office, which is in a 12×24 portable building just across the yard, are astounded at the chaos in which I work.  So my readers can be astounded in turn, I thought I’d post a picture. That laptop is not my regular work computer which is on a table to the left. …


A Double Holiday

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day, but it is also just a day before my anniversary. Nine years ago, my wife Jody and I joined our lives together. That year it was a Sunday. We chose to have a Sunday wedding, after the church service, and slipped off to our honeymoon. Each Thanksgiving is thus a double…

Amateur Extra

No, not an extra in a movie, Amateur Radio Extra class license. This post should fall under the category of “personal” and “bragging”, but yesterday evening I took and passed the text for my Amateur Extra class license. What does this let me do? Well, pretty much nothing that I couldn’t do already, and wasn’t…