
PNJ Picks 2 for Governor

Our local excuse for the press, the Pensacola News Journal, is in endorsements season, and like many papers, they pick one in each of the primaries. Thus they have endorsed one Republican and one Democrat for governor. I should note first that I have a problem with newspapers or media organizations endorsing politicians. I don’t…


Journalism vs Blogging

I haven’t linked to Laura at Pursuing Holiness in some time, but this post regarding Helen Thomas’s comments on blogging got my attention. Whether one agrees on precisely how much bias there is in media and what the bias is–I happen to think the largest bias is to stupidity–one will surely note the concern that…

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Liberal illiberalism: Olbermann on Banks and News Outlets

Keith Olbermann, regularly angry about many things, is angry about the bank bonuses. (I blogged some about this here.) His answer? Break up the banks. Regulate the financial industries, to within an inch of their existences. Roll back corporate legal protections. Make liable the officers of corporations, for their debts, and for their deeds. Resurrect…

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Brothers at War

Irrespective of one’s view on war, I think we should strongly support our troops and those they leave behind. While I was in the military I was single, but I had close friends who were married and left children behind. One of my best friends was away for the first gulf war for about three…