The Loom Moves
Carl Zimmer is a great science writer, and he will now be a columnist for Discover Magazine. Accordingly, his blog, The Loom, has moved there.
Carl Zimmer is a great science writer, and he will now be a columnist for Discover Magazine. Accordingly, his blog, The Loom, has moved there.
Since I believe there are still many Moderate Christian Blogroll members who watch this blog, but not the Moderate Christian Blogroll Blog, I’m going to link again to the current status. I have created new RSS feeds that should be including all sites properly. Go to this post to get details.
There have been a number of articles on the book, the rallies, and the fact that evangelicals may no longer be a lock for either major party. As a long time independent (I switched from Republican to independent before the 1984 election after having been a Reagan activist in 1980), I am following the change…
Closely related to my post today on theistic evolution is this post from Frank Hagan, also worth reading, and in response to the same pair of articles.
Read it here. While many people get there updates on this blog, I now post all moderate Christian blogroll data on the Moderate Christian Blogroll Blog.
An efficient solar collector that looks promising. Of course, no single technology is going to be a silver bullet.
While deploring the hypocrisy of Obama’s switch on the issue (though still preferring him to McCain), I will be very happy if his action is the death-knell of public campaign financing as suggested in this NYT article (via MSNBC).
Here’s a good post/discussion on complexity and the gray areas. HT: Kouya Chronicle.
Via Steve Matheson (one of the NCSE Steve’s), I found Clashing Culture, which looks like it will be a great group blog involving atheists and Christians discussing science and religion. I look forward to reading it regularly.
. . . according to a letter on NRO reported in this MSNBC story. He gets worse as he runs. Too bad. In 2000 I supported him.