Theme Change

Some readers may not know that I do my blogging in three main locations. Here at Threads, Participatory Bible Study Blog, and The Jevlir Caravansary. I like the three to have a generally similar theme with some graphic differences, and so I have just changed them all to the Atahualpa theme.

This is a theme that is extremely configurable, but it comes almost precisely like I prefer it to be. All I have to do is create and upload the headers, the logo, and my favicon.

Those theme guys are due a donation, which they will definitely get.

I still have some sidebar cleanup done. I am looking to remove things that often take too long to load, so some things will either be going away or will be moved to pages. Go ahead and comment if you have particular sidebar elements that annoy you and slow down your load time. I may not agree, but then again I might!

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