Christian Carnival #202 and My Highlights

… has been posted at Lo-Fi Tribe.

As usual, I want to highlight some posts from the carnival.

  • Since I’m an egalitarian, I read this post from Pseudo-Polymath with interest. The discussion that follows is also substantial and interesting. I hope I can find time to respond in a post. I hate making comments that are several pages long. Mark is always worth reading, especially when I disagree.
  • Rewriting Daniel 7 is definitely worth a read, but be prepared to spend some time thinking about it.
  • I’m not inclined to agree with this post, but since when has one’s inclinations had any value in determining the truth? Frankly, Jeremy is quite correct. I, an ardent free-willer, regard everything that happens as ultimately part of God’s will so that one can use both the terms “chance” (largely from our point of view) and “providence” to refer correctly to the same event. If God left it to chance (not to say that there necessarilyis any chance from God’s point of view) then the result is still God’s will. So much for inclinations!

That will have to do for today!

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