
Bruce Epperly Comments for the First Sunday of Advent (Cycle B)

Bruce Epperly has an excellent set of comments on the texts for Advent 1B at Process and Faith. In particular take a look at the discussion of our perception that God has abandoned us in the comments on Isaiah 64. But are we abandoned, and what would it mean? Perhaps, as later Jewish mysticism suggests,…

Lent 1A – Theme

Well, I’m back again on one of my irregular forays into lectionary blogging. I hope visitors in the meantime have found value in the links to other people’s lectionary blogging found in my sidebar. It’s not hard to find a theme in this week’s lectionary texts, nor to imagine why those are the texts for…

Ephesians 3:1-12 – To the Rulers and the Authorities

This is from the Epiphany 1A lectionary. This passage interested me because of the reference to revealing God’s wisdom to the authorities in the heavenly realm through the church (Eph. 3:10).  The reason for this interest is the “great controversy” theme that I grew up with as a Seventh-day Adventist. The foundation for this is…